Friday, February 28, 2014

The Facts of Life

I have become accustomed to the fine art of breakups. Sometimes I initiate the breakup due to my own worries or concerns or the boy's porn addiction initiates the breakup as evidenced this evening..either way it is a breakup. Ok ok not all dudes I date are into porn, for the most part we just don't click fully on some life level.

I look forward to two things
1)When I won't be considered "unlucky in love"
2) When I can start making memories I won't have to work to forget later on once the relationship has combusted in an effort to rid my mind of some boy.

All in due time. Until then I will just continue bettering myself and making 90% men feel intimated and inadequate about their religious standing, bank account, education, accomplishments and self worth.


  1. Emily, you deserve so much more! By getting rid of these boyz you're well on your way to becoming "lucky in love" with a real man. Just remember with each end comes a new beginning! I love ya.

  2. Haha, this is great! I'm a little behind in the blogging world, but I'm glad I found this post. Amen sister, amen. I'm not a dude so it won't mean the same, but I think you rock!
