Thursday, November 27, 2014

Heart Full of Love

It is Thanksgiving, you know the holiday Abe Lincoln setup mid civil war so folks could take a break from fighting and that has turned into this imaginary Native American and Pilgrim friend day. 

I do think this holiday is a great day to reflect upon the blessings of this life. So here are some things I'm profoundly grateful for:

1. Health and friendship of parents 
2. Incredible siblings who I group text with weekly and just love how we all do similar mannerisims and really care and cheer for one another. I also feel so blessed that they brought such adorable kids into this world who I'm obsessed with.
3. Testimony of the God and his son, Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for me. I'm grateful to know that I'm a daughter of God who has given me agency and opportunities to cultivate joy!
4. Magnificent friends, who I gchat, dine, dance, shop, murder mystery party, serve and talk with. I tell you what I have the bestest friends around who teach me so much about love. 
5. A good job that blesses me with new experiences and smart coworkers who help me to be better. It also gives me good health insurance so I don't freak out about future health surprises.
6. Hope, I'm grateful I always have something to look forward to and live with a strong level of faith that life just keeps getting better.
7. Ability and means to travel. I love nothing more than seeing new places and meeting new people. I hope to continue to travel through my life! Next stop Iceland in the Feb and then Germany in the fall! 
8. Delicious food is something I always treasure and I'm happy God blessed this earth with Mexican food and chicken Tika masala. Oh and ice cream and chocolate cake and most other desserts. 
9. I'm grateful this year for the flood of new babies in my life. Through little people, (Cora, Jack, Cruz, Alexander, Olive and soon to be Monroe and Demelza and Craig's babe, Mika and Matt's tiny dancer and Ashley and Spencer's baby coming in the spring) I learn that I grow ever more fearful of childbirth and more excited to spoil these little people. 
10. I'm grateful love is real. My good friend Andrew got engaged last night and we have spent hours discussing dating and he found the woman he wanted to marry a year ago and just waiting until she was ready. I tell you what, I have never seen that guy as happy as he is now and it just makes me feel blessed to know that love is out there and it is possible. 

1 comment:

  1. You're the sweetest! I hope your thanksgiving was as wonderful as you are!
