Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Passage of Time

10 years ago I applied for a US passport and now it's time to renew that baby. My little 18 year-old face looks so soft and unweathered. It is amazing to consider how much has changed since I took this photo.

Sure I have taken that passport photo and traveled to Rome, Florence, Narita, Manilla, Cebu, Virgin Gorda and Cozumel but past those valuable travel experiences that face has seen so much. It's grown to love Salt Lake City and developed numerous deep friendships. It has learned to love and has endured the pain of lost love. This face only had her sweet niece Caylee but 5 nephews and one niece later her face has only grown with love. That face has added some wrinkles from stresses related to college and graduate school but has become more manicured thanks to a steady income. And thank goodness I learned that my face is better with bangs. I also need to find that shark tooth necklace. 

That face has seen a lot but all of those experiences have been afforded to me through my agency and because of my God who has blessed me with countless blessings.

I specially remember thinking  at 18, "I wonder when I renew this if I will have a new last name and little babies?" So I don't have either one of those things, but I couldn't be happier with the life I have lived. 

1 comment:

  1. your new picture is stunning (not that the old one and shark tooth necklace aren't, but wow!) passports are so fun.
