Friday, February 6, 2015

Sundance 2015

It has been far too long since I have written on this little blog but I wanted to update you on the flicks I watched at Sundance.

Digging for Fire
This move had an all star cast with Sam Rockwell being my favorite from the lineup. The story of this movie surrounded a married couple who was going through a rough patch. They spend the weekend house sitting and they discover all sorts of feelings and fears. Overall the movie had a unique tone with moments of humor but the music made this movie for me. The soundtrack was incredible.

Sleeping with Other People 
I really feel like this movie is trying to set a trend to make romantic comedies a bit more gritty and sexy than most. This movie was about a girl and a guy who lost their virginity with one another in college then they were never able to find the kind of lasting love they both wanted out of life. This flick was quite funny and really showed that all love needs to based in friendship.

Me, Earl and the Dying Girl
Well this movie was my favorite movie of the festival and it won a bunch of awards for being so amazing. The cast included Connie Britton and Nick Offerman who are both dynamic actors. The movie is about a boy who befriends a girl who learns she has cancer. This movie made you laugh tons and cry and just feel swept away about this human experience we all get to enjoy.

Slow West
The always handsome, Michael Fassbender was featured in this western. I absolutely loved this movie.The cinematography blew me away because it captured the themes of lawlessness, wonder, and freedom of the west. I also loved the dialog in this film because it felt realistic and captivated me.

 Most Likely to Succeed
This was the first documentary I watched during the festival and the overall message was that our current society is not preparing the children of today for the jobs of tomorrow. It was eye opening to learn that our education curriculum was written by the leaders of the industrial revolution in the early 20th century. I had to really ponder throughout this film how I will need to develop my children someday to cultivate creativity and find careers that robots can't.

Last Days in the Desert
This movie featured Ewan McGregor as Jesus wandering through the desert for 40 days being tempted. I loved the approach for this movie. Satan was Ewan and Jesus only Satan had more jewelry. I think that is more true to life temptations, Satan doesn't show up looking like a monster but is really a subtle voice in your head. This movie made Jesus seem so real and it helped remind me of just how amazing he is.

The Chinese Mayor
In this documentary we follow a Mayor of a Chinese town who is working to renovate the entire city by displacing people from old shacks into new high-rises. You see the struggles of the old world of China as it meshes with the new modern world. This documentary left me with lots of questions about the ethics of displacing people but one thing this documentary showed me is that the modern option is not always the best.

City of Gold
This was another documentary about a food critic in LA. His love for LA cuisine grew into such a bigger love for the culture that makes up the city. The documentary was a little slow and made me crave tacos.

Don Verdean
I loved Jared Hess movies and this one was just hilarious. It was filmed in SLC so it was fun to see my town featured in the move. The story was centered on a washed up religious artifact hunter who was seeking his next big find. Once again, another great Sam Rockwell movie. You will laugh your face off. And that photo is of the beautiful Egyptian Theater in Ogden with an organ player who entertained us until the movie!

Cartel Land
This documentary made me sad that the Mexican Drug cartel is just so horrifying and controlling. Poor Mexico.

The Mask I Live In
In this documentary you learn about the importance of not shaming boys for having feelings. Stop telling your boys it is not ok to cry. Quit telling them to stop acting like girls, just let boys have feelings already world.

1 comment:

  1. I just love your annual sundance reviews. You saw some great flicks this year!
