Monday, March 21, 2016

January Reset

January was a month of organizing and seeing friends. Then again every month is all about seeing friends. 

Violet came to see my house. Scott got her a unicorn. 

I was able to marry my friends Ryan's Jacey. They thought I had certification since I'm performing Lindsay and Russell's ring ceremony. I was able to get certified via the Internet and bam, friends were married on 1/6/16
The whole wedding was thrown together with the help of these friends. Anna brought chocolate strawberries and took photos. I had another friend make the flowers and boutiner. It was just perfect and reminded me that weddings don't have to big.

Later in January I helped host a bachelorette ski trip for my friend Karina. Her friends and family traveled to Park City for the shower. Most of the gals seemed to have fun. 

After that week was Sundance! Scott and I saw 6 great films! I didn't volunteer this year but I loved just going and seeing flicks! 

All around January was a great month! 

1 comment:

  1. What a stellar month! So glad we were able to spend time with you. The evening of Ry and Jacey's wedding was the best of the best, and you did such a beautiful job officiating. I love our friends!
