My dear pals welcomed their newest baby to their family on July 9th. I was awakened in the early morning of the 9th to come watch the older two kiddos. I was so excited to help and explain to the older kiddos that Mommy was having the baby today! It also made the fact that my baby was coming next more real. Jen and I have both enjoyed being pregnant together so it was surreal to see her pregnant times ending.
I had fun playing playdoh and watching shows with the older kiddos. Their Poppy came to get them but it was so special to be there with them that morning as we waited to find out if the baby was a boy or girl, so much anticipation! What was even more special is that Dan and Jen named the new baby, Kate Emily! I felt so honored to have a little baby friend share my name. Dan and Jen are my family and I feel so blessed to have them in my life. I’m excited for my son to share in my love for this incredibly kind and giving family!
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